Hi, I'm Lindsey - the artist behind T&A

Welcome to the inside of my brain

I could not be more thrilled to have you here.

You're going to find a lot of iridescent color pallets, bisexual iconography and crop tops

You might also find aripiprazole, which is the active ingredient in one of my antipsychotics.  So please, explore responsibly.

My art pushes boundaries. It conveys my familiarity with the edge.

I paint and sculpt and design to capture the poles of our emotional capacity as humans, so vivid and vast that whatever lies just beyond is undoubtedly divine.

I am a self taught artist.

It feels like alchemy—transforming chaotic, consuming energy into something tangible and beautiful.

A way to make use of the voices in my head, if you will.

Admittedly, my process is a bit tumultuous.

But alchemy always is.

Thank you for coming along for the ride.